
Walk for Life to host video contest


SPEAKING UP: The faithful are invited to share a short video exploring how they are a “witness to life,” the theme of the 2024 San Diego Walk for Life. The event will return to Waterfront Park in San Diego, where young and old expressed their views at this year’s event. (Credit: David Maung)

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SAN DIEGO — About 3,000 people are expected to attend the 12th annual San Diego Walk for Life, whose theme is “Witness to Life.”

The event will be held on Saturday, Jan. 13, again at Waterfront Park in downtown San Diego.

Cardinal Robert W. McElroy will once more address the participants then join them for an approximately quarter-mile walk along city sidewalks with pro-life signs and banners.

Patricia Sandoval is to deliver the keynote address – the first time that it will be in English and Spanish. She is a pro-life speaker whose story was told in the book “Transfigured: Patricia Sandoval’s Escape from Drugs, Homelessness, and the Back Doors of Planned Parenthood.”

There also will be testimonials given by women who either regret having had an abortion, or are glad to have decided to raise their child or place the baby for adoption.

Attendees will be able to visit about 50 exhibitor booths representing pregnancy resource centers, adoption facilitators, and other life-affirming organizations.

In advance of the event, to increase community engagement, the San Diego Walk for Life is hosting a video contest.

Submissions recorded in MP4 format should be no longer than one minute and should address how the person is a witness for life in their community, why it is important to actively do so, and how to continue to cultivate a culture of life. The deadline to enter is Monday, Dec. 4, 2023.

The top submissions will be posted on the San Diego Walk for Life’s website and on its social media platforms for viewers to vote for their favorite. One winner will be selected in each of the following categories: Youth and Young Adult, Families, and Open Submission.

The winners will be announced during the Walk for Life, where the top videos will be shown. Prizes are to be determined.

Official Walk for Life T-shirts will be available for pre-sale.

For more information, including the complete set of rules for the video contest, visit sandiegowalkforlife.org or email info@sandiegowalkforlife.org.

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