SAN DIEGO — Parents and grandparents are invited to attend a Catholic Parenting Workshop Series, sponsored by the diocesan Office for Family Life and Spirituality.
The free workshops will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Wednesdays, April 10 to 24, at the diocesan Pastoral Center.
Child and behavioral psychologists and experts in their field will discuss the stages of child development (April 10; presenter: Dr. Mary Riddle), different parenting styles and their effectiveness (April 17; presenter: Dr. Charles Farrow), and how to effectively mold one’s household into a true “domestic Church” (April 24; presenters: John Prust and Janelle Peregoy of the Office for Family Life and Spirituality).
Simultaneous sessions will also be available in Spanish.
While parents are responsible for their own children, tables will be set up in the back where kids can play, color, or do their homework.
For more information, call (858) 490-8256. RSVP at