
News around the diocese: USD welcomes new trustees, several retreat opportunities available, and more


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‘Southern Cross’ receives journalism awards
SAN DIEGO — The San Diego Diocese’s newspaper received recognition in two recent journalism competitions.

The 2024 Catholic Media Awards were presented on June 21, the last night of the national Catholic Media Conference, held June 18 to 21 in Atlanta, Georgia.

The Southern Cross won first place in the “Best Photograph-Portrait” category for freelancer Andy Hayt’s photo of San Diego State University basketball player Aguek Arop.

The contest judges said, “Great portrait. Nice lighting and composition. Photographer really understands how to tighten the working space and use it to his advantage.”

Hayt also shared with Assistant Editor Denis Grasska an honorable mention in the “Best Story and Photo Package–By two individuals or more” category. The award was for The Southern Cross’ coverage of the reinterment of Franciscan Father Jeremiah Joseph O’Keefe at Mission San Luis Rey de Francia more than a century after he had helped rebuild the mission.

Father Chris Bongato also received an honorable mention in the “Best Story and Photo Package–By an individual” category for “Gospel Lights the Journey,” his first-person account of the pilgrimage that he and fellow seminarians took to the Holy Land.

In addition to the honors it received at the Catholic Media Awards, The Southern Cross was also among the winners in the annual journalism competition sponsored by the San Diego chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

The awards were announced June 27 at an awards banquet at Liberty Station.

Grasska received a second place in the “Reporting and Writing–Profile” category for his profile of SDSU basketball star Aguek Arop and a third place in the “Arts/Entertainment Story (Visual Arts)” category for an article about children’s book author Haley Stewart and her “Sister Seraphina Mysteries” series.

USD’s board welcomes two new trustees
SAN DIEGO — Ann Marie Krejcarek and Sister Marina Hernandez, RSCJ, joined the University of San Diego’s Board of Trustees, effective July 1.

“As the university celebrates its 75th anniversary, we are excited to welcome two exceptional individuals to the Board whose dedication and experience will help us achieve our goal of confronting humanity’s challenges by fostering peace, working for justice and leading with love,” USD President James T. Harris III, DEd., said.

Krejcarek has served as the president of Convent & Stuart Hall since 2012. She is a member of the Conference of Sacred Education and of the Society of the Sacred Heart finance committee.

Sister Hernandez is a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart United States-Canada Province. She is also a member of the provincial team that works with the provincial to live their mission of showing forth God’s love in a changing world.

U.S. faithful give $10.5 million
WASHINGTON — The bishops that oversee various national collections have awarded 453 grants, totaling over $10.5 million, to support pastoral care, evangelization, and social ministry here and abroad, made possible through the generosity of U.S. Catholics.

On designated dates, participating dioceses take up these collections, organized by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on National Collections. Three of the collections underwrite international ministry, while two others have domestic and international reach.

The Catholic Home Missions Appeal assists dioceses and eparchies in the United States and its territories that are too poor or too small to provide ministry without outside help.

The Bishops’ Emergency Disaster Fund allows dioceses to take special collections after major crises, such as tornadoes, and directs those gifts to Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Charities USA, and to repair and rebuild Church properties struck by disasters.

The national collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe helps to rebuild the Church in this region after decades under communist rule. The bishops approved 241 grants totaling more than $5.8 million for ministries in over 25 countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

The national collection for the Church in Latin America awarded 163 grants totaling more than $3.2 million, which includes assistance to two dioceses with long-term recovery from disasters.

The national collection for the Church in Africa awarded 48 grants totaling $1,399,100 to support pastoral activities across the continent.

Miles Christi preaching silent retreats
OCEANSIDE — The priests and brothers of Miles Christi are leading silent Ignatian retreats.

These retreats are a unique experience offering spiritual talks, time for private meditation, the holy rosary, daily Mass, adoration and Benediction, and opportunities for confession and spiritual direction.

The next retreats for women will be held from Aug. 16 to 18 and from Nov. 15 to 17 at Prince of Peace Abbey in Oceanside. The next men’s retreats will be from Nov. 1 to 3 and from Dec. 13 to 15, also at the abbey.

For more information and to register, call (858) 768-0872, email or visit

Ignatian Spirituality Project offering overnight retreats
OCEANSIDE — Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP) San Diego is offering an overnight retreat from Aug. 17 to 18 at Mission San Luis Rey.

The event will welcome men and women experiencing homelessness and recovery from addiction to encounter God’s love, and hope and healing through spiritual companionship. The retreat combines quiet reflection time, small-group sharing and other communal activities.

Sixteen women and 16 men will be hosted separately. ISP retreats include four volunteer facilitators, at least one of whom is a project alum also in recovery. The  volunteers work closely with partner shelters and transitional housing organizations to refer appropriate candidates to the retreat. Transportation is provided and all costs, including room and meals, are covered by the ISP program.

For more information, visit

Deep-pit BBQ returning to Descanso parish
DESCANSO — Our Lady of Light Parish will hold its 87th annual deep-pit BBQ on Sunday, Sept. 1.

The event, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., promises “great food, music and community vibes.” BBQ food, peach cobbler dessert, and beverages will be available for cash-only purchase. There will be a beer garden, craft booth, live country music featuring The Horseshoe Lucky Band, a kids zone, live auction items, and raffle drawings.

Our Lady of Light Parish is located at 9136 Riverside Drive, Descanso 91916. This is the small parish’s only major fundraiser each year. Proceeds will support its youth programs, religious education, summer camps, student scholarships and parish operating costs.

Fundraiser dinner to benefit Mother Antonia’s sisters
SOLANA BEACH — The Eudist Servants of the Eleventh Hour, founded by the late Mother Antonia (Antonia Brenner), will hold its annual fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 7.

The event begins at 5:30 p.m. and will be at St. James Parish Hall in Solana Beach. It will include a Mexican buffet dinner, a gift card pull, a live auction of vacation items, and more.

Early-bird tickets, available through Aug. 17, are $55 per person or $550 per table of 10. After Aug. 17, tickets will be $65 per person or $650 per table.

St. James Parish Hall is located at 625 S. Nardo Ave., Solana Beach 92075. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit

Christian Initiation classes offered in Chinese
SAN DIEGO — The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) process, formerly known as RCIA, is offered locally in the Chinese language.

Presented by San Diego’s Chinese Catholic Community, classes will be held every Sunday from Sept. 8 through April 20 at St. Therese of Carmel Parish in Carmel Valley. Each class will run from 3 to 4:30 p.m.

St. Therese of Carmel Parish is located at 4355 Del Mar Trails Road, San Diego 92130.

For more information, visit or call (858) 442-3532, (858) 666-5064 or (619) 997-6911.

Diocesan Young Adult Retreat to be held Sept. 13-15
JULIAN — The annual Diocesan Young Adult Retreat will be held Sept. 13 to 15 at Whispering Winds Catholic Camp and Conference Center in the mountains of Julian.

The event is open to young adults ages 18 to 39.

This year’s theme will be “Hope Arises” (Romans 15:13). The schedule includes Masses, large-group prayer, keynote speakers, breakout sessions, small-group discussions, time for quiet reflection, and more.

The keynote speakers include Brya Hanan, a Catholic trauma therapist and author of “Befriending Your Inner Child: A Catholic Approach to Healing and Wholeness,” and Father John Francis, CSJ, a priest with the Brothers of St. John, who serves as chaplain at Seton Hall University and as lead chaplain of Eagle Eye Ministries.

Registration will open in early August. The cost to attend will range from $190 (early-bird rate) to $195.

For more information, visit

Creation Care celebrated with Mass, awards
SAN DIEGO — The annual “Season of Creation” Mass and “Laudato Si” Awards reception, which recognize the responsibility to care for creation, will be held on Saturday, Sept. 14, at St. Gregory the Great Parish in Scripps Ranch.

This year’s theme, drawn from Romans 8:19-25, is “To Hope and Act with Creation.”

The Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Robert W. McElroy. The free reception that follows will acknowledge parishes, schools and standout individuals who have taken Laudato Si’ Action this past year; “Laudato Si” Action Plans for the coming year also will be blessed.

Attendees are asked to bring gently used clothing and hygiene products that will be donated to Sharia’s Closet to help local families experiencing financial crisis.

Register for the event at For more information, contact Christina Slentz at

Homeschool community opening third campus
SAN DIEGO — Holy Hearts Academy is opening a third campus for a Classical Catholic homeschool community and is seeking passionate and committed families to join it.

Families will meet for a weekly class day at Our Mother of Confidence Parish in the University City/UTC area.

For more information, visit or email

Magnificat forming East County chapter
SAN DIEGO — Magnificat, a ministry for Catholic women, is looking to form a new chapter in East County.

The group exists to evangelize and encourage Catholic women to grow in holiness through the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The organization’s essential function is the Magnificat Meal, which provides an opportunity for fellowship, praise, personal testimony and intercessory prayer.

Women interested in helping to establish the East County chapter are encouraged to email

For more information about Magnificat, visit

Catholics can ‘Encounter’ Jesus in Rancho Peñasquitos
SAN DIEGO — Encounter, a Spirit-filled evening of inspiring music, prayer and Eucharistic adoration, is held on the second Friday of each month at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish in Rancho Peñasquitos.

Sponsored by the parish’s Hearts of Fire Ministry, the event runs from 7 to 8 p.m. Confessions will be heard from 6 to 7 p.m.

Upcoming dates in 2024 include: Aug. 9, Sept. 13, Oct. 11, Nov. 8 and Dec. 13.

For more information, email

Men invited to join ‘Rosary Crusade’
SAN DIEGO — The Men’s Rosary Crusade gathers at 9 a.m., every first Saturday of the month, at the corner of 6th & Laurel in Balboa Park. All men are welcome.

The rosary intentions are for reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the conversion of America, for families and for the unborn.

For more information, email or call (619) 920-8363.

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