
Three ordained to transitional diaconate


FUTURE PRIESTS: Cardinal Robert W. McElroy poses with newly ordained transitional Deacons Brian Frulla, left, Anthony Jimenez and Jesse Lopez, after their ordination Mass Dec. 7 at The Immaculata Church. (Credit: Leonardo Enrique Fonseca)

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SAN DIEGO — In 2025, the Diocese of San Diego is to ordain three seminarians to the priesthood.

They took the last major step toward that milestone on Dec. 7, when Cardinal Robert W. McElroy ordained them to the transitional diaconate during a Mass at The Immaculata Church.

Each seminarian promised to lead a life of prayer, celibacy and obedience to the bishop. The three, Brian Frulla, Anthony Jimenez and Jesse Lopez, will serve in local parishes across the region until their priestly ordination on June 14.

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