EnvironmentLaudato SiNewsYoung Adult

‘For the Beauty of the Earth!’


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By Christina Bagaglio Slentz

SAN DIEGO — We congratulate the winners of the 2022 Season of Creation Diocesan Youth and Young Adult Art Contest, which had as a theme “For the Beauty of the Earth.”

The diocese announced the winners at the celebration of the Feast of St. Francis at St. Rita’s Parish on Oct. 1.

Pictured with Cardinal Robert W. McElroy, from left, are: 7-8th grades second-place winner Gwen Garcia, Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, and first-place winner Franchezka Bacani, St. Charles School; 4-6th grades second-place winner Austin Thorn, St. Kieran Catholic; Young Adult Winner Emily Curran, Sacred Heart (Coronado); overall winner Judith Young, St. James; and 9-10th grades first-place winner Nhu-An Phan, Cathedral Catholic. Not pictured: 4-6th grades first-place winner Nathaniel O’Berg, 9-10th grades second-place winner Alyssa Mossuto, Academy of Our Lady of Peace (OLP); 11-12th grades first-place winner Madison Kovar, OLP; and 11-12th grades second-place winner Brielle Hanft, OLP.

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